Thursday, 31 March 2016

Vulkan, first steps 02: Visual Studio Project Properties

I have decided to create a Visual Studio solution with API samples from Lunar's Vulkan SDK recoded to use nVidia's Open-Source Vulkan C++ API. But for each project in the solution, I have to add: paths for Vulkan SDK, tools and libraries from it. Doing it by hand would be tedious. It is a place, where project properties come in handy! The solution presented below is inspired by "Sharing project properties in Visual C++" post.

List of all Vulkan tutorial posts is here.

In solution's directory, I have created vulkan.props file intended for storing all changes in project properties corresponding to using Vulkan SDK. Setting include directory and the additional link-time library was easy because these are shared among all configurations. But libraries directory is different for Win32 and x64 builds. There I had to use a choose construct with proper condition. The whole file is presented below.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Project ToolsVersion="4.0" xmlns="">
  <ImportGroup Label="PropertySheets" />
    <When Condition="'$(Platform)'!='x64'">
      <PropertyGroup Label="UserMacros">
      <PropertyGroup Label="UserMacros">

    <BuildMacro Include="VULKAN_BIN_DIR">

The $(VULKAN_SDK) is a system variable created by Vulkan SDK installer. Now, to reference Vulkan SDK I have only to add vulkan.props property file to each project once. Thanks to the choose construct my property file is working in all project configurations.

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