Saturday, 2 April 2016

Vulkan, first steps 04: pipeline layout and uniform buffer creation

List of all Vulkan tutorial posts is here.

In versions 1 and 2 of the OpenGL GPU pipeline was the fixed one. You have to set matrices, lights' parameters, bind textures and send some vertices to GPU. From the third version onward, the fixed pipeline was deprecated and focus was placed on a programmable one. There were no more matrices and light parameters. All data was passed by uniform variables and buffers to shaders - programs which run on GPU. In Vulkan, GPU pipeline is also programmable. But, before one can send anything to shaders, she or he has to define which resources will be available to which stage of the pipeline. In terms of nVidia's Open-Source Vulkan C++ API, that definition is called vk::PipelineLayout and is created in two steps. First, an object of class vk::DescriptorSetLayout is created and contains information about resources bindings. Resources are the buffers, textures and so on. After creating a descriptor object, Vulkan can create pipeline layout on GPU by creating vk::PipelineLayout object. Example code, where there is only one resource (uniform buffer), is shown below.
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>

#include <madvk/instance.h>
#include <madvk/device.h>

using namespace std;
using namespace mad::vk;

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
    try {
        auto instance = Instance("vulkan playground 01");
        cout << "Vulkan instance created" << endl;
        auto device = instance.createDevice(::vk::QueueFlagBits::eGraphics);
        cout << "Vulkan device created" << endl;

        // Only one binding - uniform buffer for projection matrix
        auto layout_binding = ::vk::DescriptorSetLayoutBinding()
        auto descriptor_layout = ::vk::DescriptorSetLayoutCreateInfo()
        auto layout = device.createDescriptorSetLayout(descriptor_layout, nullptr);
        cout << "Vulkan layout created" << endl;

        auto pipeline_layout = ::vk::PipelineLayoutCreateInfo().pSetLayouts(&layout);
        auto pipeline = device.createPipelineLayout(pipeline_layout, nullptr);
        cout << "Vulkan pipeline created" << endl;

        device.destroyPipelineLayout(pipeline, nullptr);
        cout << "Vulkan pipeline destroyed" << endl;
        device.destroyDescriptorSetLayout(layout, nullptr);
        cout << "Vulkan layout destroyed" << endl;
    catch(const exception& err) {
        cerr << "[ERROR] " << err.what() << endl;
        return 1;

To fill buffer data, I need the model-view-projection (MVP) matrix (in OpenGL terms). To calculate one, I use OpenGL Mathematics (GLM) library. Using it is even easier than writing matrices by hand on a piece of paper! Snippet for creating MVP matrix is presented below.
// Calculate matrix (like in OpenGL)
const auto projection = ::glm::perspective(glm::radians(45.0f), 1.0f, 0.1f, 100.0f);
const auto look_at = ::glm::lookAt(
    ::glm::vec3(0, 3, 10), // Camera is at (0,3,10), in World Space
    ::glm::vec3(0, 0, 0),  // and looks at the origin
    ::glm::vec3(0, -1, 0)  // Head is up (set to 0,-1,0 to look upside-down)
const auto model = ::glm::mat4(1.0f);
const auto matrix = projection * look_at * model;
cout << "Matrix calculated" << endl;

Creating and filling buffer requires a few steps. First, the Vulkan buffer object (vk::Buffer) has to be created. Then, GPU memory has to be allocated. Handle to GPU memory will be stored in an object of type vk::DeviceMemory. After GPU memory has been allocated, data can be copied to it just like it has been copied between two RAM locations. But allocating GPU memory in Vulkan requires two more steps. First, one has to find an index of memory type, which is visible from CPU and can be mapped. Without that, we could not copy data to it. The second step is to let Vulkan calculate GPU's memory requirements for the created buffer. Full source code is presented below.
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>

#include <glm/glm.hpp>
#include <glm/gtc/matrix_transform.hpp>

#include <madvk/instance.h>
#include <madvk/device.h>

using namespace std;
using namespace mad::vk;

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
    try {
        auto instance = Instance("vulkan playground 01");
        cout << "Vulkan instance created" << endl;
        auto device = instance.createDevice(::vk::QueueFlagBits::eGraphics);
        cout << "Vulkan device created" << endl;

        // Only one binding - uniform buffer for projection matrix
        const auto layout_binding = ::vk::DescriptorSetLayoutBinding()
        const auto descriptor_layout = ::vk::DescriptorSetLayoutCreateInfo()
        auto layout = make_raii(
            device.createDescriptorSetLayout(descriptor_layout, nullptr),
            [&device](auto& o) {device.destroyDescriptorSetLayout(o, nullptr); });
        cout << "Vulkan layout created" << endl;

        const auto pipeline_layout = ::vk::PipelineLayoutCreateInfo()
        auto pipeline = make_raii(
            device.createPipelineLayout(pipeline_layout, nullptr),
            [&device](auto& o) {device.destroyPipelineLayout(o, nullptr); });
        cout << "Vulkan pipeline created" << endl;

        // Calculate matrix (like in OpenGL)
        const auto projection = ::glm::perspective(glm::radians(45.0f), 1.0f, 0.1f, 100.0f);
        const auto look_at = ::glm::lookAt(
            ::glm::vec3(0, 3, 10), // Camera is at (0,3,10), in World Space
            ::glm::vec3(0, 0, 0),  // and looks at the origin
            ::glm::vec3(0, -1, 0)  // Head is up (set to 0,-1,0 to look upside-down)
        const auto model = ::glm::mat4(1.0f);
        const auto matrix = projection * look_at * model;
        cout << "Matrix calculated" << endl;

        // Create uniform buffer object for matrix
        const auto buffer_info = ::vk::BufferCreateInfo()
        auto buff = make_raii(
            device.createBuffer(buffer_info, nullptr),
            [&device](auto& o) { device.destroyBuffer(o, nullptr); });
        cout << "Buffer created" << endl;

        // Find memory block index, which is visible from CPU and can be mapped
        const auto memory_properties = device.getPhysicalDevice().getMemoryProperties();
        const auto mem_types_begin = memory_properties.memoryTypes();
        const auto mem_types_end = mem_types_begin + memory_properties.memoryTypeCount();
        const uint32_t mem_idx = static_cast<uint32_t>(find_if(
            mem_types_begin, mem_types_end,
            [](const auto& mt) {
            return mt.propertyFlags() & ::vk::MemoryPropertyFlagBits::eHostVisible;
        }) - mem_types_begin);
        if(mem_idx >= memory_properties.memoryTypeCount())
            throw runtime_error("Unable to find memory block visible from CPU");

        // Obtain buffer memory requirements on GPU
        const auto memory_requirements = device.getBufferMemoryRequirements(buff);
        cout << "Buffer memory requirements obtained" << endl;

        // Allocate memory on GPU, which can be mapped to RAM.
        const auto memory_info = ::vk::MemoryAllocateInfo()
        auto memory = make_raii(
            device.allocateMemory(memory_info, nullptr),
            [&device](auto& o) { device.freeMemory(o, nullptr); });
        cout << "Memory on GPU allocated" << endl;

        // Copy data from CPU to GPU
        auto data = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(
            device.mapMemory(memory, 0, memory_requirements.size(), ::vk::MemoryMapFlags()));
        auto begin = reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(&matrix);
        copy(begin, begin + sizeof(matrix), data);
        cout << "Data copied" << endl;

        // Bind buffer to pipeline
        device.bindBufferMemory(buff, memory, 0);
        cout << "Buffer bound" << endl;
    catch(const exception& err) {
        cerr << "[ERROR] " << err.what() << endl;
        return 1;

One more note. As a lazy person, I have created template function mad::vk::make_raii, which creates RAII wrapper around an object passed as a first parameter. The second parameter of this function is a functor, which will be called in RAII wrapper destructor. In examples, I have used lambdas.

Thursday, 31 March 2016

Vulkan, first steps 03: devices

This post is the third in series of presenting API samples from Lunar's Vulkan SDK recoded to use nVidia's Open-Source Vulkan C++ API. In the first post Vulkan Instance was created. The second post presented Visual Studio project properties, and had little in common with Vulkan but helped organize samples solution. Now it is time to get back to Vulkan!

List of all Vulkan tutorial posts is here.

Second thing to do, in order to use Vulkan, is to create device. Before that, one can enumerate all Vulkan devices, which are present in system running application. The code is shown below.
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <vector>
#include <string>

#include <madvk/instance.h>

using namespace std;
using namespace mad::vk;

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
    try {
        auto instance = Instance("vulkan playground 01");
        cout << "Vulkan instance created" << endl;

        cout << "Vulkan devices:" << endl;
        std::vector<::vk::PhysicalDevice> devices;
        for(const auto& dev : devices) {
            const auto& props = dev.getProperties();
                << std::showbase << std::internal << std::setfill('0')
                << std::hex
                << "\tID: " << props.deviceID()
                << std::noshowbase << std::right << std::setfill(' ')
                << std::dec
                << "\tname: " << props.deviceName()
                << "\ttype: " << to_string(props.deviceType())
                << "\tdriver version: " << props.driverVersion()
                << "\tapi version: "
                << ((props.apiVersion() >> 22) & 0xfff) << '.' // Major.
                << ((props.apiVersion() >> 12) & 0x3ff) << '.' // Minor.
                << (props.apiVersion() & 0xfff)                // Patch.
                << endl;
    catch(const std::system_error& err) {
        cerr << "[ERROR] " << err.what() << endl;
        return 1;

There is difference in creating Vulkan instance between this post and the first one. From this post onward, I will use my RAII wrapper around vk::Instance object and not the bare object itself, to make sure that memory will be freed correctly.

Creating display device object requires two steps:
  1. Enumerating all devices and finding one, which is capable of graphical output.
  2. Creating device object with proper parameters and proper queues.
The first step is almost done in the example above and only minor corrections have to be made. The second one is similar to creating Vulkan instance, but requires vk::PhysicalDevice object from step one. Whole code is presented below. In later examples, vk::Device will be hidden in RAII wrapper.
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>

#include <madvk/instance.h>

using namespace std;
using namespace mad::vk;

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
    try {
        auto instance = Instance("vulkan playground 01");
        cout << "Vulkan instance created" << endl;

        // Get all Vulkan devices
        std::vector<::vk::PhysicalDevice> devices;

        // Find Vulkan GPU
        const ::vk::PhysicalDevice* gpu = nullptr;
        for(const auto& dev : devices) {
            const auto& qprops = dev.getQueueFamilyProperties();
            const auto it = find_if(
                qprops.cbegin(), qprops.cend(),
                [](auto& qpr) { return qpr.queueFlags() & ::vk::QueueFlagBits::eGraphics; });
            if(it != qprops.cend()) {
                gpu = &dev;
            throw runtime_error("Unable to find GPU");

        // Create device object
        float priorities[] = {1.0f};
        auto queue_info = ::vk::DeviceQueueCreateInfo().queueCount(1).pQueuePriorities(priorities);
        auto device_info = ::vk::DeviceCreateInfo().queueCreateInfoCount(1).pQueueCreateInfos(&queue_info);
        auto device = gpu->createDevice(device_info, nullptr);
        cout << "Vulkan device created" << endl;

        cout << "Vulkan device destroyed" << endl;
    catch(const exception& err) {
        cerr << "[ERROR] " << err.what() << endl;
        return 1;

If one would use Vulkan device for doing GPU calculations, then she or he should use vk::QueueFlagBits::eCompute flag in searching for proper device.

Vulkan, first steps 02: Visual Studio Project Properties

I have decided to create a Visual Studio solution with API samples from Lunar's Vulkan SDK recoded to use nVidia's Open-Source Vulkan C++ API. But for each project in the solution, I have to add: paths for Vulkan SDK, tools and libraries from it. Doing it by hand would be tedious. It is a place, where project properties come in handy! The solution presented below is inspired by "Sharing project properties in Visual C++" post.

List of all Vulkan tutorial posts is here.

In solution's directory, I have created vulkan.props file intended for storing all changes in project properties corresponding to using Vulkan SDK. Setting include directory and the additional link-time library was easy because these are shared among all configurations. But libraries directory is different for Win32 and x64 builds. There I had to use a choose construct with proper condition. The whole file is presented below.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Project ToolsVersion="4.0" xmlns="">
  <ImportGroup Label="PropertySheets" />
    <When Condition="'$(Platform)'!='x64'">
      <PropertyGroup Label="UserMacros">
      <PropertyGroup Label="UserMacros">

    <BuildMacro Include="VULKAN_BIN_DIR">

The $(VULKAN_SDK) is a system variable created by Vulkan SDK installer. Now, to reference Vulkan SDK I have only to add vulkan.props property file to each project once. Thanks to the choose construct my property file is working in all project configurations.

Wednesday, 30 March 2016

Vulkan, first steps 01

When I was at university, I was interested in games and algorithms of computer graphics. I have taken lectures on it and OpenGL. My work does not require graphics programming, and skills gained during the lectures are used mainly in photography. When The Khronos Group Inc. released Vulkan, I have decided to try it and refresh my graphics skills. Because I am c++ programmer, I have decided to use nVidia's Open-Source Vulkan C++ API instead of original c API. This post is an introduction to Open-Source Vulkan C++ API. List of all Vulkan tutorial posts is here.

The first thing, which is necessary to use Vulkan, is to create its instance. The instance is a representation of Vulkan itself. It is the main object, which allows us to interact with Vulkan and do something useful. The minimal example of creating an instance is shown below. There is only one custom param: app title Vulkan APP in line 13th. Most of the time, the default parameters from Open-Source Vulkan C++ API are used. There is one exception, which is the API version (set in line 14th). The default value is 0, which on my machine resulted in an error of missing compatible device. After setting the API version to VK_MAKE_VERSION(1, 0, 0), Vulkan instance is successfully created and destroyed.
#include <iostream>
#include <string>

// Use more c++ friendly version of Vulkan cpp
#include <vulkan/vk_cpp.h>

using namespace std;

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
 try {
  auto app_info = vk::ApplicationInfo()
   .pApplicationName("Vulkan APP")
   .apiVersion(VK_MAKE_VERSION(1, 0, 0));
  auto instance_info = vk::InstanceCreateInfo().pApplicationInfo(&app_info);

  auto instance = vk::createInstance(instance_info, nullptr);
  cout << "Vulkan instance created" << endl;

  cout << "Vulkan instance destroyed" << endl;
 catch(const std::system_error& err) {
  cerr << "[ERROR] " << err.what() << endl;
  return 1;

Unfortunately, vk::Instance is not an RAII wrapper, and the instance has to be freed manually. After deciding on memory allocation policy (nullptr parameters for vk::createInstance and vk::Instance::destroy), one should create RAII wrapper around vk::Instance.

Friday, 1 January 2016

What annoys c++ programmer in Windows

If You want Your app to be a nice citizen of user's operating system, You typically use system settings. For instance, You could use localization. For instance, if You want to show 106, then You could write a simple program:
#include <iostream>
#include <locale>

using namespace std;

int main()
    const int mega = 1'000'000;

    locale systemLocale("");
    cout << "System's locale: " << mega << endl;


It is in plain c++11! If You would remove apostrophes from the definition of mega constant, it would be in c++98.

One side note about creating std::locale object. It can be done in many ways, but it is worth to know about three basic ones:
  • with the default constructor, "C" locale is created
  • with single string parameter (const char* or std::string), locale corresponding to given name is created
  • with a single, empty string parameter, system's default locale object is created.
Back, to the program. When run, it should write to the console "1000000" with thousand separators in it, if they are set in the system. On my Ubuntu box, there are no thousand separators, so program's output is
System's locale: 1000000
Why there are no separators, in Polish there should be spaces, I do not know. But the program's output is at least consistent with system settings. On the other hand, in my Windows box, there are a thousand separators set. And so, the program's output should be "1 000 000". But it is not. It is:
System's locale: 1á000á000
It is almost garbage! It is like Windows is saying to You: "Be a naughty programmer: use only C locale and not the user settings.". ;) But, if users use a more recent version of Windows and run the program in PowerShell, there is a solution. He or she should set console output encoding to the system's default:
[System.Console]::OutputEncoding = [System.Text.Encoding]::Default
After doing that, the program's output is alright and consistent with system settings. On the source of the solution, $OutputEncoding to the rescue, authors said (in year 2006!) that most commands do not process UNICODE correctly and that is the reason for doing fallback to ASCII. For me, it is a poor excuse for not forcing programmers to write good software!